How do I use F#'s built-in support for async operations classes exposing the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern such as WebClient class?
let Download(url : Uri) =
let client = new WebClient()
let html = client.DownloadString(url)
When I try to change this to use "let!" in an async block (say as described in Soma's recent post)
let Download(url : Uri) =
async {
let client = new WebClient()
let! html = client.DownloadStringAsync(url)
return html }
I get an error message:
Type constraint mismatch. The type unit is not compatible with type Async<'a> The type 'unit' is not compatible with the type 'Async<'a>'
Edit: I'm really asking about the general question of using *Async() methods, WebClient is just an easy example. Microsoft says "... you should expose asynchronous features using the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern [ as opposed to BeginFoo()/EndFoo() ] whenever possible ..." so I would think there should be an easy way to consume an arbitrary *Async() method from F#.