
Implementing a custom Windows Workflow activity that executes an asynchronous operation

I'm having some conceptual trouble on figuring out how to best implement this... I want to create a custom Activity class for Windows Workflow. The activity has to call out to a third party library method that itself runs another process asynchronously and may take anywhere from seconds to many hours to complete. This library offers th...

What's the idiomatic way to do async socket programming in Delphi?

What is the normal way people writing network code in Delphi use Windows-style overlapped asynchronous socket I/O? Here's my prior research into this question: The Indy components seem entirely synchronous. On the other hand, while ScktComp unit does use WSAAsyncSelect, it basically only asynchronizes a BSD-style multiplexed socket app...

Asynchronous Mysql connector for C++ or C

Does there exist any asynchronous connectors to Mysql that can be used in C or C++? I'm looking for something that can be plugged into a reactor pattern written in Boost.Asio. [Edit:] Running a synchronous connector in threads is not an option. ...

Best way to implement 1:1 asynchronous callbacks/events in ActionScript 3 / Flex / AIR?

I've been utilizing the command pattern in my Flex projects, with asynchronous callback routes required between: whoever instantiated a given command object and the command object, the command object and the "data access" object (i.e. someone who handles the remote procedure calls over the network to the servers) that the command objec...

Asynchronous APIs

Hi, When trying to implement a asynchronous API calls / Non-blocking calls, i know a little in a All Plain-C applicaiton I have, i read a about APM(Asynchronous Programming Model) by 'Delegates'. Basically what i want to do is call one API f1() to do a functionality(which takes long time 8-10 seconds), So i call that API f1(), forget a...

C# :How do I know when the last OutputDataReceived has arrived

Hello, I have a System.Diagnostics.Process object in a program targetted at the .Net framework 3.5 I have redirected both StandardOutput and StandardError pipes and I'm recieving data from them asynchronously. I've also set an event handler for the Exited event. Once I call Process.Start() I want to go off and do other work whilst I ...

Asychronous Programming in Python Twisted

I'm having trouble developing a reverse proxy in Twisted. It works, but it seems overly complex and convoluted. So much of it feels like voodoo... Are there any simple, solid examples of asynchronous program structure on the web or in books? A sort of best practices guide? When I complete my program I'd like to be able to still see the ...

Best way to make events asynchronous in C#

Events are synchronous in C#. I have this application where my main form starts a thread with a loop in it that listens to a stream. When something comes along on the stream an event is fired from the loop to the main form. If the main form is slow or shows a messagebox or something the loop will be suspended. What is the best way arou...

SmtpClient.SendAsync bug in ASP.NET 2.0

Hello, I may be wrong, but if you are working with SmtpClient.SendAsync in ASP.NET 2.0 and it throws an exception, the thread processing the request waits indefinitely for the operation to complete. To reproduce this problem, simply use an invalid SMTP address for the host that could not be resolved when sending an email. Note that ...

AJAX - How to Pass value back to server

First time working with UpdatePanels in .NET. I have an updatepanel with a trigger pointed to an event on a FormView control. The UpdatePanel holds a ListView with related data from a separate database. When the UpdatePanel refreshes, it needs values from the FormView control so that on the server it can use them to query the database...

What is the status of POSIX asynchronous I/O (AIO)?

There are pages scattered around the web that describe POSIX AIO facilities in varying amounts of detail. None of them are terribly recent. It's not clear what, exactly, they're describing. For example, the "official" (?) web site for Linux kernel asynchronous I/O support here says that sockets don't work, but the "aio.h" manual pages...

Asynchronous file IO in .Net

I'm building a toy database in C# to learn more about compiler, optimizer, and indexing technology. I want to maintain maximum parallelism between (at least read) requests for bringing pages into the buffer pool, but I am confused about how best to accomplish this in .NET. Here are some options and the problems I've come across with ea...

Python on Windows - how to wait for multiple child processes?

How to wait for multiple child processes in Python on Windows, without active wait (polling)? Something like this almost works for me: proc1 = subprocess.Popen(['python','']) proc2 = subprocess.Popen(['python','']) proc1.wait() print "1 finished" proc2.wait() print "2 finished" The problem is that when proc2 fini...

Are PeopleSoft Integration Broker asynchronous messages fired serially on the receiving end?

I have a strange problem on a PeopleSoft application. It appears that integration broker messages are being processed out of order. There is another possibility, and that is that the commit is being fired asynchronously, allowing the transactions to complete out of order. There are many inserts of detail records, followed by a trail...

Scatter/gather async socket I/O in .NET

I'm trying to use the Stream.BeginWrite Async I/O API in .NET for a high-throughput situation with many short messages. As such, a scatter/gather API will reduce the number of context switches (and CPU usage) tremendously. Does this API use the LPBUFFERS Win32 API at all? Is there an alternative API for Scatter/Gather I/O? ...

.NET: How to have background thread signal main thread data is available?

What is the proper technique to have ThreadA signal ThreadB of some event, without having ThreadB sit blocked waiting for an event to happen? i have a background thread that will be filling a shared List<T>. i'm trying to find a way to asynchronously signal the "main" thread that there is data available to be picked up. i considered ...

What is the best way to run asynchronous jobs in a Rails application?

I know there are several plugins that do asynchronous processing. Which one is the best one and why? The ones I know about are: BackgrounDRb ...

Asynchronous PHP calls?

Is there a way to PHP make asynchronous http calls? I don't care about the response, I just want to do something like file_get_contents(), but not wait on the request to finish before executing the rest of my code. This would be super useful for setting off "events" of a sort in my application, or triggering long processes. Any ideas? ...

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start weird behaviour.

I'm writing an application to start and monitor other applications in C#. I'm using the System.Diagnostics.Process class to start applications and then monitor the applications using the Process.Responding property to poll the state of the application every 100 milisecs. I use Process.CloseMainWindow to stop the application or Process.Ki...

PHP Async Web Services

How do I make an asynchronous call to a web service using the PHP SOAP Extension? ...