Is there anyway I can make content in my Rails views editable by end-users? Such that they can make simple text changes on pages I permit them to without having me edit the HAML files myself?
I know about CMS systems, and I don't think that's entirely what I want. I want to maintain programatic control over my views, but there are sections that I want the user to be able to edit directly (for instance, I still need to populate the page with products, shopping cart, database blog entries, etc., but I want the user to be able to edit the "About Us" page or the "Contact Us" page, or edit the header text of a product category page, or provide an updated translation of any of those pages).
I know I can put these sections in a database, but since it's just a bulk of straight text, something didn't feel right about that approach (couldn't make sense of how I'd organize that cleanly and efficiently). Could I pull this stuff from text files? Formatted in Textile/Markdown? Would that be a feasible approach? Or is a database-based approach probably the way to go?