



I am writing a reusable static library for the iPhone, following the directions provided here.

I want to use minizip in my library internally, but don't want to expose it to the user.

It should be possible for the user to include minizip themselves, possibly a different version, and not cause clashes with my "inner" minizip version.

Is this possible?


I've tried adding -fvisibility=hidden to additional compiler flags for minizip files and changing functions to be __private_extern__ and __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))), but it still seems to produce defined external symbols:

00000918 T _unzOpen
0000058e T _unzOpen2
00001d06 T _unzOpenCurrentFile
00001d6b T _unzOpenCurrentFile2

Edit #2:

Apparently the symbols marked with these annotations are only made private by the linker, which never happens when Xcode builds the sources, since it adds the -c parameter ("Compile or assemble the source files, but do not link.")


You'll want to take a look at Dynamic Library Programming Topics, specifically the Symbol Exporting Strategies section and the gcc -exported_symbols_list FILE option.

Isn't the trouble with those that they are discussing dynamic libraries (shared libraries) rather than static libraries?
Jonathan Leffler
OP deals with static libraries in which case symbol exporting strategies don't apply
Gregory Pakosz
+2  A: 

You could rename all exported symbol from minizip with objcopy.

something like

objcopy -redefine-sym=minizip.syms yourstaticlibray.a

and minizip.syms

_unzOpen     _yourownprefix_unzOpen
_unzOpen2    _yourownprefix_unzOpen2
...          ...

No clash if an executable is linked with an other minizip.a and yourstaticlibray.a, and because you renamed all the symbol in yourstaticlibray.a your call inside yourstaticlibray.a to minizip will use the prefixed symbol, and not the unzOpen one.

objdump doesn't seem to be available on Mac OS X :/
Jaka Jančar
Moreover it is not `objdump` but `objcopy`... I'll correct my answer.
+1  A: 

Since static library is nothing more than a set of .o files (which are not linked yet, as you have mentioned), the only way to completely hide presence of minizip from the outside world is to somehow compile minizip and your library together as a single compilation unit and make minizip functions/variables static.

You could have a look at how does SQLite do the "amalgamation" process which turns library source code into single .c file for further compilation: The SQLite Amalgamation.

As a bonus you'll get better optimization (really recent GCC and Binutils are able to make link-time optimizations, but this functionality is not released yet).
