Hi I could really use some help with the best way to accomplish the following: I have the below in my controller (and I know this should not be here and needs to move to the model)
This is an email messaging system so according to what position you hold you are able to email out to set groups of people. So if you are Battalion Commander etc you can choose to message out to one of the 5 groups defined below. If you are a Company Commander your groups change. In the view there is a drop down menu and you choose the group your message goes out to. The select menu is populated depending on the position of the signed in user.
The problem seems that the "elsif" portion does not populate the message correctly. It shows the right drop down list and acts as if the email is sent but the emails are not being populated. However the first value (Battalion Commander) works fine.
Do I have something written incorrectly in the if else statement? It seems like it should be pretty simple. The user position always reflects correctly so that is not it.
if (@position == "Battalion Commander" or "Command Sergeant Major" or "FRSA" or "Battalion FRG Leader")
@bnok = (@user.battalion.primaries).collect(&:email).select{|s| !s.blank?}.join(", ")
@bspouses = (@user.battalion.primaries(:conditions => ["relationship = 'spouse'"])).collect(&:email).select{|s| !s.blank?}.join(", ")
@bsoldiers= (@user.battalion.soldiers).collect(&:email).select{|s| !s.blank?}.join(", ")
@bsoldierspouse=((@user.battalion.soldiers)+(@user.battalion.primaries(:conditions => ["relationship = 'spouse'"]))).collect(&:email).select{|s| !s.blank?}.join(", ")
@ballcontacts=((@user.battalion.soldiers)+(@user.battalion.primaries)+(@user.battalion.additionals)).collect(&:email).select{|s| !s.blank?}.join(", ")
@position == ("Company Commander" or "First Sergeant" or "FRG Leader")
@nok = (@user.company.primaries).collect(&:email).select{|s| !s.blank?}.join(", ")
@spouses = (@user.company.primaries(:conditions => ["relationship = 'spouse'"])).collect(&:email).select{|s| !s.blank?}.join(", ")
@soldiers= (@user.company.soldiers).collect(&:email).select{|s| !s.blank?}.join(", ")
@soldierspouse=((@user.company.soldiers)+(@user.company.primaries(:conditions => ["relationship = 'spouse'"]))).collect(&:email).select{|s| !s.blank?}.join(", ")
@allcontacts=((@user.company.soldiers)+(@user.company.primaries)+(@user.company.additionals)).collect(&:email).select{|s| !s.blank?}.join(", ")
So this does not work, it work for either one set of positions or the other but not both. This correlates to a select menu in the view and depending on what position you hold the query on certain groups of people change.
So in the view I have this:
<% if @position == "Battalion Commander" %>
<%= f.select(:bcc_email, [["Please Select", ""], ["Battalion NOK", @bnok], ["Battalion Spouses", @bspouses], ["Battalion Soldiers Only", @bsoldiers], ["Battalion Soldiers & Spouses", @bsoldierspouse], ["All Battalion Contacts", @ballcontacts]]) %></h1><br />
I am still learning rails and I am not sure if a case statement would be better but then I am confused on where that goes and how that case statement fits into the view.
Any guidance would be great, I am trying to chip away at this and figure it out, but I would really appreciate some help.