



Let's say I have a class of 30 students and want generate every possible way in which they can be partitioned into groups of 5 (order is irrelevant).

I know how to find all the combinations of students to form one group individually ( By using that iterator and some recursion, I can find PERMUTATIONS of the possible group combinations. However, order in which the groups are selected isn't relevant and I'd like to minimize my execution time. So how do I find the unique COMBINATIONS of the possible groups?

The above algorithm uses lexicographical ordering to avoid generating duplicate combinations... is there a way that I can use that idea on groups instead of on objects?

I know Ruby well and Java/Python less well. Thanks in advance for any advice!


You could do some post-processing on the permutations. Some pseudo-code (implement in the language of your choice...):

// We have a list of lists called 'permutations'
// combinations is an (empty) list of lists
for each permutation in permutations
   sortedPermutation = permutation.sort()
   if (! combinations.find(sortedPermutation) )

Probably not the most efficient; I'd add the sort & compare to the code that generates the permutations personally.


One possibility would be to find all combinations to form an individual group, then go through and generate combinations that don't contain members of that individual group. Something like:

List<List<Student>> combinations=Combinations(students);
public void GenerateCombinations(int startingIndex, List<List<Student>> currentGroups, int groupsLeft)
    if(groupsLeft==0) ProcessCombination(currentGroups);

    for(int i=startingIndex; i<combinations.Count; i++)
        if combinations[i] does not contain a student in current groups
            GenerateCombinations(i+1, currentGroups + combinations[i], groupsLeft -1);

It won't be the most efficient method to go about it, but it should generate all combinations of groups. I suspect better performance could be had if you were to generate temporary lists of combinations, where in all groups that can't occur were removed, but that would be a bit more complex.

As a slight aside, there should be 142,506 combinations of 30 students to form a single group of 5. My <sarcasm> awesome </sarcasm> math skills suggest that there should be about 10^17 = 100 quadrillion combinations of groups of students (30!/((5!^6)*6!); 30! orderings of students, ordering of 6 groups of 5 does not matter, and ordering of those 6 groups doesn't matter). You might be sitting there a while waiting for this to finish.

+1  A: 

Well, there's (30C5*25C5*20C5*15C5*10C5*5C5)/6! = 30!/(6!*5!6) = 123,378,675,083,039,376 different partitons of 30 into groups of 5, so generating them all will take some time, no matter what method you use.

In general, though, a good method to selecting such a partition is to use some ordering on the elements, and find the grouping for the highest ungrouped element, and then group the rest.

  find_partition = lambda do |elts|
  if elts.empty?
   highest = elts.pop
   elts.combination(4).map do |others|
   find_partition[elts - others].map { |part| part << [highest,*others] }

This way you're only generating each partition once

Could you please elaborate on why it's not just 30c5? I haven't looked at combinatorial math since 2001!
Well, there's 30c5 ways of choosing the first group of 5, 25c5 of choosing the second,..., 10c5 ways of choosing the fifth group of 5, and 5c5=1 ways of choosing the last. However, since we're doing a partition, we don't care about the order that we get these groups in. Since there's 6! ways to order 6 groups, we divide by 6!. This gives the extended product in the post.
Thanks rampion... using this math, I was able to convince my project leader that we needed to take another approach to improve scalability.
Jordan Smith