



To begin with, I have gone through the information available on the internet regarding Internationalization support in ASP.NET. I understand the concept of Culture and UICulture and how to play with it by reading the language selection in the client browser setting. Also I am not looking for the information related to Localization and usage of resource files.

Most of the time I find people about one side of the story i.e. displaying date from server to client which is pretty straight forward. However what I am looking for is the other part taking the user input and saving back to database.

Sorry for the above statements as most of the time I got the response as above to my question.

So comming back to the questions, I am looking for a very basic ASP.NET web application (C# or VB.NET) which just has a single UI with three form controls. Two text boxes, one for inputting text (this can include Unicode characters) and another for inputting a Decimal value e.g. Salary. The third one needs to be a Date picker (Short Date Format e.g. m/d/yyyy).

Database table structure: Name - nvarchar(250) Salary - decimal(18,6) HireDate - smalldatetime

Now this information needs to be read from a database table and should be displayed in the form in the user culture selected in the client browser. This needs to handle the decimal and group separator for number format (e.g. 1,200.45 vs 1.200,45) and date format (e.g. 10/26/2009 vs 26/10/2009). Also end user will update the information in this form as per his culture which needs to be saved back to the database table.

Also it would be great if the sample include some validations too e.g. Salary should be between 10000 and 20000 and HireDate should be less than current date.

I am fine if anyone can redirect to the place where I can find the information or a simple step by step high level information will also be fine.

Thanks in advance.