



I have Cygwin+OpenSSH installed on Windows XP workstation.

Simple SFTP process (batch file) runs fine when launched from the Command Prompt and fails when launched by a Scheduler from Novell Desktop Management. Scheduled job uses exactly the same batch file and runs as Interactive User impersonation.

WhoAmI embedded in the batch file returns the same user string. Cygwin itself called from a scheduled job shows the same user id in the prompt as when launched directly from the dektop icon.

I get the following error from a scheduled sftp job:

"Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).  
 Connection closed"

Any suggestions for further trouibleshooting?

TIA, Eugene


The problem was with file permissions on the id_dsa file.

Apparently though both manual and scheduled processes ran with the same user id, they used different authentication: domain vs. workstation.

PM 77-1