



I can typically test a regular Test::Unit method using the following commandline syntax for a method "delete_user_test":

ruby functional/user_controller_test.rb -n delete_user_test

Now when I'm using the shoulda plugin with Test::Unit I try to use the same technique as follows:

context "Deleting a User" do
  should "remove user from user table" do

Then I try to run the single test as follows:

ruby functional/user_controller_test.rb -n "test: Deleting a User should remove user from user table"

This doesn't work. Does anyone know how I can run a single context tests using shoulda and Test::Unit. I have a couple of different test in one test file and I want to only run the one using TDD without having to wait for all tests to run.

+7  A: 

This works for me:

ruby functional/user_controller_test.rb -n "/Deleting a User/"

Just put some reasonably long string from your context name into the regular expression.

Milan Novota
Awesome! That worked! Thanks Milan.
Joe Dean

Using the full name of the test with a space at the end seems to work too:

ruby -Itest 
     -n "test: Deleting a user should remove user from user table. "