Im working on a FireFox extension that listenes to OnStateChange. When the current document has been loaded it should insert a script to the page and it should be able to call the script on a button event.
Now i am able to add a button to all webpages by using:
nsCOMPtr NewInputElementTest; rv = htmlDoc->CreateElement(NS_LITERAL_STRING("input"),getter_AddRefs(NewInputElementTest));
rv = NewInputElementTest->SetAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("type"),NS_LITERAL_STRING("button"));
rv = NewInputElementTest->SetAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("value"),NS_LITERAL_STRING("hummer"));
rv = body->AppendChild(NewInputElementTest,getter_AddRefs(AddedNewInputElement2));
The button is displayed correctly.
I wish to use the same procedure to add a SCRIPT to the page, like so:
rv = htmlDoc->CreateElement(NS_LITERAL_STRING("script"),getter_AddRefs(NewInputElement)); rv = NewInputElement->SetAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("type"),NS_LITERAL_STRING("text/javascript")); rv = NewInputElement->SetAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("text"),NS_LITERAL_STRING("alert('hello world!')")); rv = body->AppendChild(NewInputElement,getter_AddRefs(AddedNewInputElement));
All functions return success, but no script is added to the page. No alert is displayed, and if i insert a function and call it from the button.onclick then the FireFox log displayes that the function is not available.
If i use the exact same procedure from a javascript inside the html page, then it works find and the alert pops up.
Do i need to do anything to enable the script from my extension or why is the script not available from the button or anywhere else?