




I am trying to access properties of a config object from within another object:

var myConfigObj = {
  $myCachedSelector: $('#mySelector')

var myObj = {
  $selector: myConfigObj.$myCachedSelector,
  url: ''

$.each([ myObj, mySecondObj, myThirdObj ], function() {
  this.$selector.load(this.url, function(){
  //do something

When trying to use $selector in the each function then, it returns "undefined". Both objects are in the same scope, and I don't know what the problem is.

+1  A: 

This code worked well enough for me, with a few minor tweaks:

  • This is probably the problem: Firefox is complaining about the semicolon, should be:

    var myConfigObj = {
       $myCachedSelector: $('#mySelector')
  • Should be in $(document).ready, of course.
  • Missing some }); at the end (probably a copy/paste thing)
Kobi, I found the cause of the errors: there was one wrong property name hidden in my code. I also had another function inside each and so 'this' didn't point to the dom object anymore. 'This' can sometimes drive you a little crazy... :)
Great, thanks north. Hoped I helped :)
+1  A: 
  1. Install Firebug in Firefox;
  2. In the "Scripts" pane, set a breakpoint on the line that causes the error;
  3. When stopped at the breakpoint, examine this in the right-hand "Watch" pane;
  4. If the this object you're stopped on has a $selector property which has a load method then it's not the cause of your problem, so continue round the loop.
  5. When the this object doesn't have a $selector property, or has one that doesn't have a load method, you've found your culprit. Now work out why you are sending it into that loop, or where you are failing to initialise it.