Hey all,
I'm using Visual Basic 2008 here, and I'm debugging my code that connects to my SQL Database and writes something in it. It was working fine and all until I came to an error like this. NullReferenceException was unhandled. What's going on? Here is the code I'm working with:
Dim conn As MySqlConnection
conn = New MySqlConnection
conn.ConnectionString = "server=...; user id=...; password=...; database=..."
Catch myerror As MySqlException
MsgBox("Error connecting to database")
End Try
Dim myAdapter As New MySqlDataAdapter
Dim sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = '" + TextBox2.Text + "'"
Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand()
myCommand.Connection = conn
myCommand.CommandText = sqlquery
myAdapter.SelectCommand = myCommand
Dim myData As MySqlDataReader
myData = myCommand.ExecuteReader()
It highlights it right around conn.open(), and gives me that error. It was working fine earlier until I moved my sql database to my mac. (windows -> mac) Is there a difference? I backed up my stuff from my windows vista computer and restored it on my mac. I don't think there is a difference, but I'm just putting that out there. Why does this error come up?