



I have a structure of simple container classes like so (in pseudo ruby):

class A
  attr_reader :string_field1, :string_field2

class B
  attr_reader: int_field3, :string_field4

# C includes an instance of A and B
class C
  attr_reader: :a_instance, :b_instance

Is there are simple way to de/serialize this to JSON in Ruby? Or should I make nested serialization methods per class as in this example?


In my specific scenario, I want to POST some JSON data to a server running Ruby, which will extract the data and act accordingly.

The sender of the JSON is not necessarily a Ruby process, but may be the back end of some other system. (Although it is Ruby in my test harness).

So, I don't need the JSON to be in some "Ruby specific" format, I just assumed it would be easier if that was actually built-in to Ruby.

+1  A: 

Use Marshal, PStore, or another Ruby solution for non-JSON objects

One might reasonably wonder why a completely reflective language like Ruby doesn't automate JSON generation and parsing of arbitrary classes.

However, unless you stick to the JSON types, there is no place to send or receive the JSON objects except to another running Ruby. And in that case, I suspect that the conventional wisdom is "forget JSON, use a native Ruby interface like the core class Marshal.

So, if you are really sending those objects to PHP or something non-Ruby, then you should create directly JSON-supported Ruby data structures using Array and the like, and then you will have something that JSON.generate will directly deal with.

If you just need serialization it's possible you should use Marshal or PStore.

Update: Aha, ok, try this:

module AutoJ
  def auto_j
    h = {}
    instance_variables.each do |e|
      o = instance_variable_get e.to_sym
      h[e[1..-1]] = (o.respond_to? :auto_j) ? o.auto_j : o;
  def to_json *a
    auto_j.to_json *a

If you then include AutoJ in each of your classes, it should DTRT. In your example this results in


You might want to change the auto_j method to return h.values instead of just h, in which case you get:

Thanks, see my clarification. I *was* under the impression it would be a bit more automatic than it currently is.