



What is the best book for ASP.Net MVC anyone suggest best resources to learn ASP.Net MVC

+3  A: 

I enjoyed Asp.Net MVC In Action

Arnis L.
This one's next on my list - I glanced over the first chapter and I'm eager to finish up with Pro ASP.NET MVC so I can dive into this one.
Actually, i believe that CodeCampServer is an ultimate sample for mvc apps. Although it conflicts with everyday strange requirements and has quite high learning curve.
Arnis L.
It's funny... I was at a User Group meeting on Monday and one of the guys leading it had a familiar name. Sure enough, Palemero is one of the authors of this book. I wish I had recognized the name sooner - would have loved to gotten his opinion on some things.
+13  A: 

I really like Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework by Steven Sanderson.

The book gives a quick introduction into ASP.NET MVC, so that you can start coding and experimenting after a short time. Each part of ASP.NET MVC is then discussed in detail in the later chapters of the book, so once you "got" the basics you can move on to the details. I really liked that approach.

Also, if you're interested in Test-Driven Development (TDD), the book covers that very nicely. Although, if you're only interested in MVC, you can easily skip the TDD parts (they are very well separated from the normal book text).

I own this one also. Very good book +1
You can see some good chapters of it in google books.
Malcolm Frexner
I thought this book was great. In general, when learning something new I prefer the Apress books... They provide a lot of detail but are still very accessible to new comers.
Giovanni Galbo
I have the book as well. Very well written. I suggest you read the Nerd Dinner sample chapter from the Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 before diving into this. Highly recommended.
Nick Masao
I'm almost done reading this one and it is great. The Sports Store application covered a range of topics and served as a great introduction to the realm of ASP.NET MVC (albeit gently). Fantastic writing too.
Another vote for "Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework"
This one really dives into the details...
Black Horus
+2  A: 

I find the Wrox-book written by the makers of ASP.NET MVC the best:

Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0

+2  A: 

I suggest ASP.NET MVC IN Action,
Also If you are a beginner, you can take a look at Nerd Dinner Tutorial PDF, which provides very good basics in MVC.


Mahesh Velaga
I'd vote for this if it didnt dup Arnis L's point from 46 mins before :P
Ruben Bartelink
lol @Ruben .. if I see it now as you mentioned, it seems the posts are almost identical for the first line. (but I didn't dupe it though) :) ... thanks
Mahesh Velaga
+1  A: 

David Hayden goes through a number of the books in an excellent blog post here. I've looked at the Guthrie et al Wrox book and also the Palermo et al Manning book and I've been impressed with both.


I learn it by MVC in action & MVC unleashed by stephen walther

+1  A: 

Here is a list of reviews of mvc book by David Hayden, and I think it's very helpful.


There are a lot of books that cover the basics of MVC but are there any "advanced" books? Especially about this repository patern I noticed in the Nerddinner example, how to do TDD with MVC or when to write your own basecontrollers that you inherit from.


i always use Apress published book Pro ASP NET MVC Framework