



Hi, I just fell in love with NHibernate and the fluent interface. The latter enables very nice mappings with refactoring support (no more need for xml files).

But nobody is perfect, so I am missing the many-to-any mapping in fluent. Does anybody know if it is already there? If so, a simple line of code would be nice.

But to stick to the header of the question, is there any way to combine fluent and normal NHibernate mapping.

Currently I use the following lines for my test setup WITH fluent, and the second code block for my test WITHOUT fluent (with XML mappings). How can I tell fluent to use fluent IF AVAILABLE and XML otherwise...

        var cfg = new Configuration();
        new SchemaExport(cfg).Create(true, true);

        var persistenceModel = new PersistenceModel();
        IDictionary<string, string> properties = MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2005.UseOuterJoin().ShowSql().ConnectionString.Is(_testConnectionstring).ToProperties();
        properties.Add("command_timeout", "340");

        session = new SessionSource(properties, persistenceModel).CreateSession();

Without Fluent...

        config = new Configuration();
        IDictionary props = new Hashtable();

        props["connection.provider"] = "NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider";
        props["dialect"] = "NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2005Dialect";
        props["connection.driver_class"] = "NHibernate.Driver.SqlClientDriver";
        props["connection.connection_string"] = "Server=localhost;initial catalog=Debug;Integrated Security=SSPI";
        props["show_sql"] = "true";
        foreach (DictionaryEntry de in props)
            config.SetProperty(de.Key.ToString(), de.Value.ToString());

        SchemaExport se = new SchemaExport(config);
        se.Create(true, true);

        factory = config.BuildSessionFactory();
        session = factory.OpenSession();

That's it... Chris

PS: I really like this site, the GUI is perfect, and the quality of all articles is incredible. I think it will be huge :-) Have to register...

+2  A: 

Mapping from Foo to Baa:

HasManyToMany< Baa > ( x => Baas )
  .AsBag ( ) //can also be .AsSet()
  .WithTableName ( "foobar" )
  .WithParentKeyColumn ( "fooId" )
  .WithChildKeyColumn ( "barId" ) ;

Check out the examples in ClassMapXmlCreationTester - they also show what the default column names are.

David Kemp
+2  A: 

ManyToAny's currently aren't implemented (as of time of writing).

Regarding your setup for fluent and non-fluent mappings, you're almost there with your first example.

var cfg = MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2005
  .ConfigureProperties(new Configuration());

cfg.AddMappingsFromAssembly(typeof(CatMap).Assembly); // loads hbm.xml files

var model = new PersistenceModel();
model.addMappingsFromAssembly(typeof(CatMap).Assembly); // loads fluent mappings

new SchemaExport(cfg).Create(true, true);

The main difference is that the SchemaExport is last. I assume your first example was actually loading the fluent mappings, but it'd already created the schema by that point.

James Gregory

You can do exactly what you want to do entirely within Fluent NHibernate.

The following code will use Fluent NHibernate syntax to fluently configure a session factory that looks for HBM (xml) mapping files, fluent mappings, and conventions from multiple possible assemblies.

var _mappingAssemblies = new Assembly[] { typeof(CatMap).Assembly };
var _autoPersistenceModel = CreateAutoPersistenceModel();
        .Mappings(m =>
                      foreach (var assembly in _mappingAssemblies)
                      m.AutoMappings.Add(_autoPersistenceModel );
        .ExposeConfiguration(c => c.SetProperty("command_timeout", "340"))

There are many other options available to you as well: Fluent NHibernate Database Configuration

JD Courtoy