Hi! I need kind of Marker Manager for OpenStreetMap like in google maps. Do somebody know anything about it?
OpenStreetMap is only the map data. To view the map, the most common thing (and the thing shown on the OpenStreetMap home page) is the Javascript library Openlayers. This gives capabilities similar to the Google Javascript APIs - you can add markers, load KML overlays etc.
Please be a bit more specific about what you are trying to do.
From what I've seen, there are no markers, only POIs, which you can upload in the form of an OSM file. Perhaps you can add this functionality yourself - OSM is an open source project.
I would recommend looking at using the Google API with OpenStreetMap (or equivalent) map tiles. http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Google%5FMaps%5FExample is an example of using the OSM tiles in the Google Maps API, where you will be able to use the Google Marker Manager.