



I have a Subversion repository on my laptop in my room (windows Vista), but I want to check it out to a computer upstairs (Ubuntu Linux). I put the repository on a network share but I'm not sure how I can check it out to ubuntu.

Note that I don't have subversion server set up on my laptop, I'm just trying todo a checkout from a network directory as if it were local to this computer. What are my options?

+2  A: 

UPDATE: Please read Stefan's warning before using file:/// against a network share.

It may not apply in your specific situation but it is a good general principle.

You can't do a checkout against a smb:// share as such; but you can mount the windows share with smbmount i.e.

mkdir /mnt/svnserver
sudo smbmount //VISTALAPTOP/subversion /mnt/svnserver -o lfs;

after that you can use it as if it were a normal file:/// repo, located under /mnt/svnserver

Colin Pickard
does this just make a copy of the repo? Will I be able to check the code back in?
Carson Myers
No this doesn't do anything to the repo, it just makes your Windows share appear like a folder in Ubuntu. so you can work on it just as if it were a local repository, you can check in + out as normal.
Colin Pickard
Make sure to limit your access to read-only, see also Stefan's post.
+6  A: 

Do not access a repository directly on a network share! Even though you might get it to work, you eventually will end up with a completely corrupted repository.

Just set up a server (svnserve or apache) and access it that way. It's easy to set such a server up. And those five minutes you spend setting it up will keep your data safe.

+1  A: 

If you can switch your computers' roles (the Subversion repository on your Ubuntu box), the installation is done in 10 minutes (see the instructions)

The installation is so easy it's a no-brainer. Really
