



I have the following code in one of my aspx pages:

<% foreach (Dependency dep in this.Common.GetDependencies(this.Request.QueryString["Name"]))
   { %>
        <ctl:DependencyEditor DependencyKey='<%= dep.Key %>' runat="server" />
<% } %>

When I run it, I get the following error:

Parser Error Message: Cannot create an object of type 'System.Guid' from its string representation '<%= dep.Key %>' for the 'DependencyKey' property.

Is there any way that I can create a control and pass in a Guid in the aspx page? I'd really hate to have to loop through and create these controls in the code behind just because of that...

NOTE: The Key property on the Dependency object is a Guid.

+1  A: 

The key property of the Dependency object may be a Guid, but is the DependencyKey Property of the DependencyEditor a Guid too? If not it should be, otherwise the correct TypeConverter won't be invoked upon assignment.

If I'm not mistaken, you could also use dep.Key.ToString() also.

Yes the DependencyKey property is a Guid also.
Max Schmeling
Are you using MVC? The reason I think this is happening is because you are using the %= syntax, which always tries to outout a string. If you aren't using MVC, use a Repeater, which will allow you to use the %# syntax. This will perform the correct type conversion on data binding.

is your control taking the value and assuming its a GUID? Have you tried instantiating a GUID with the value? Looks like this is a cast problem

It assumes it's a GUID... and it is...
Max Schmeling
+1  A: 

ok, here's the deal...try using the # symbol instead of the = symbol. I replicated your problem and that gets past the compile issue.

It should look like this "<%# dep.Key %>"

good luck!


Assuming dep.Key is a string representation of a guid... and DependencyKey is a property of type Guid

    <ctl:DependencyEditor DependencyKey="<%= new Guid(dep.Key) %>" runat="server" />