





I'm very new to programming and I'm just starting to learn VBA with excel. I came across on this website and did the examples here but I have question about this code:

I know the variables are declared using "Dim" statement "Message" here is the variable with a data type of integer. What I don't clearly understand is; what is the meaning of "6" here and "7". I believe they come from somewhere. But as I just started learning this program, I don't have any idea. Could you please tell me how it end up to "6" and "7". I believe there is some basis here

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim message As Integer
message = MsgBox("Click Yes to Proceed, No to stop", vbYesNoCancel, "Login")
If message = 6 Then
Range("A1").Value = "You may proceed"
ElseIf message = 7 Then
End If

End Sub

Thank you for your help:-)


Thanks guys for the answers, they're very helpful. Yes this thread has been already posted in superuser site. I was informed that this question should belong here so I posted it here after reading that they will do it automatically from superuser to stackoverflow.

thanks once again

+4  A: 

These are return value from MsgBox(). The author should have used their symbolic value instead to make the program more readable:

vbYes   6
vbNo    7

See this MSDN article for more info

+5  A: 

6 and 7 are the return codes from the MsgBox method. Basically, when MsgBox is called, it shows a message-box to the user, who clicks either "Yes", "No", or "Cancel". The user's selection is returned from the MsgBox method as a number, where 6 is Yes, and 7 is No.

It is considered best-practice not to use these numbers in your code directly, but instead to use Microsoft supplied constants which represent them. Your code could be re-written as:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim message As Integer
    message = MsgBox("Click Yes to Proceed, No to stop", vbYesNoCancel, "Login")
    If message = vbYes Then
        Range("A1").Value = "You may proceed"
    ElseIf message = vbNo Then
    ElseIf message = vbCancel Then
        'Do nothing.
    End If
End Sub
@RB: you're right, it is considered best-practice not to use these values especially for beginners like me. the first time I saw the code, I was really wondering where the h*** this 6 and 7 came from. As an engineer, I usually make some assumptions what could be, where could be these things coming from. That's what I bet, that they must be a constant values in VBA. Now I don't understand why they still develop these constant values if it is not a good practice to use them because at the end this might confuse the beginners?Does that mean that these constant values are only for experts?
The constants (vbNo, vbYes, etc) should always be used instead of the equivalent integers (6, 7, etc). Code which uses the integers directly is bad because it is extremely hard to read. Developers should not use the integers directly, but should use the equivalent constant. Hope that answers your question.
@RB: True I agree with you. Developers should not use the integers directly but use the equivalent constants. Why did they still develop this integers as equivalent constants. Sometimes it makes the program more complicated.
+7  A: 

It's very poorly written code, "6" and "7" are the values of the constants "vbYes" and "vbNo" where are returned when the user clicks Yes or No on the dialog.

Reference: http://www.techonthenet.com/access/constants/msgbox%5Fret.php

The code should say

If message = Constants.vbYes

instead of

If message = 6

So that it is clear what is happening.

Brian Schroth
thanks for comment. i'm not the one who did this code, I'm trying to understand it and it's my first time to learn this vba thing
+6  A: 

This link is for VBScript, but I think the return codes should be the same: MsgBox Function Reference

The Return Codes tell you which button was clicked:

1   OK
2   Cancel
3   Abort
4   Retry
5   Ignore
6   Yes
7   No
+9  A: 

MsgBox does return an Enum(eration) called MsgBoxResult, which is basically nothing else then numeric values with a 'label'. 6 and 7 in this case are members of this enum, which are mapped to the answers 'Yes' and 'No'.

Basically, you could rewrite the code to this:

Dim message As Integer
message = MsgBox("Click Yes to Proceed, No to stop", vbYesNoCancel, "Login")
If message = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
    Range("A1").Value = "You may proceed"
ElseIf message = MsgBoxResult.No Then
End If


Edit: Might theat the Enum os called vbMsgBoxResult or something...I don't have an Office to verify this, just Visual Studio.

Edit2: While we are on it...this might be easier to understand:

Select Case MsgBox("Click Yes to Proceed, No to stop", vbYesNoCancel, "Login")
    Case MsgBoxResult.Yes
        Range("A1").Value = "You may proceed"
    Case MsgBoxResult.No
    Case MsgBoxResult.Cancel
        ' he clicked cancel '
End Select
Good answer, I like suggesting referencing the enum value names instead of the numbers. Also +1 for probably being better suited for StackOverflow.
Jesse Taber
@appakz, thanks. I think using the names instead of the numbers is what enums are all about, and I just love enums. ;)
thanks very much Bobby for the very good answer especially if this question belongs to Stackoverflow:-) I'm not sure if I have to open this to Stackoverflow though or just leave it here like this. +1 :-)
@Bobby: the first code doesn't work. i got an error "Run-Time Error "424" Object required"... not really sure why?
@Bobby: also the last code with the select case it doesn't work. I got the same error as above.
@tintincute where do you get that error, at what line?
@Bobby: when I select Yes or No then I get this error.
@tintincute: at which line does the debugger stop?
@Bobby: I'm not really sure which line. I clicked the Command Button and then after that I select either yes, no or cancel then this microsoft visual basic will come out Run Time error '424' object required. with the button end debug...where can i see this line, the one you mean?
@tintincute: Clicking Debug?
@Bobby: when I clicked on "Debug" it highlighted the line which says: "If message= MsgboxResult.Yes Then"
@tintincute: Oh...I'm sorry, try replacing `MsgBoxResult.Yes` with `vbYes`
@Bobby: yes I tried that but it is still the same error. And if I clicked on "Debug" I get the same line highlighted.
+5  A: 

The 6 and 7 are hard coded values that hold a special meaning. The 'MsgBox("Click Yes...")' call will return a number that will let your code determine what the user did with the message box and you can then use conditionals (your IF statements) to decide what to do next.

A full list of these special values can found in the MSDN documentation here:


Jesse Taber
thanks for the helpful links. so the "6" and "7" are already fix values. I didn't know that there are enumeration values in Visual Basics. This is very helpful thanks again
+4  A: 

When I first started with MsgBox answers, I almost always declared the answer as an Integer. However, I learned that the best thing to do is to declare your message variable as VbMsgBoxResult, which is an enumeration that will always show the available answers. In the picture below, the IDE (e.g. the Visual Basic for Application editor) will show you the possible options available in VbMsgBoxResult.


You could store your answer variable as an Integer since all of the variables in the Enumeration (e.g. vbAbort, vbYes, vbOK, etc.) do in fact resolve to integers. However, you have to figure out what the integer values for those variables are every time you want to reference them. In my opinion, it's a better practice to store your answer as VbMsgBoxResult so you can actually see the available answers.

Ben McCormack
+2  A: 

Just rewrite to the equivalent:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
  Dim optionSelected As VbMsgBoxResult
  optionSelected = MsgBox("Click Yes to Proceed, No to stop", vbYesNoCancel, "Login")
  If optionSelected = vbYes Then
    Range("A1").Value = "You may proceed"
  ElseIf optionSelected = vbNo Then
  End If
End Sub

And move on
