




Hi, I work in VBA, and want to parse a string eg

<PointN xsi:type='typens:PointN' 

and get the X & Y values into two separate integer variables.

I'm a newbie when it comes to XML, since I'm stuck in VB6 and VBA, because of the field I work in.

How do I do this?

+8  A: 

This is a bit of a complicated question, but it seems like the most direct route would be to load the XML document or XML string via MSXML2.DOMDocument which will then allow you to access the XML nodes.

You can find more on MSXML2.DOMDocument at the following sites:

+3  A: 

Thanks for the pointers.

I don't know, whether this is the best approach to the problem or not, but here is how I got it to work. I referenced the Microsoft XML, v2.6 dll in my VBA, and then the following code snippet, gives me the required values

Dim objXML As MSXML2.DOMDocument

    Set objXML = New MSXML2.DOMDocument

    If Not objXML.loadXML(strXML) Then  'strXML is the string with XML
        Err.Raise objXML.parseError.ErrorCode, , objXML.parseError.reason
    End If

Dim point As IXMLDOMNode
Set point = objXML.firstChild

Debug.Print point.selectSingleNode("X").Text
Debug.Print point.selectSingleNode("Y").Text
+3  A: 

This is an example OPML parser working with FeedDemon opml files:

Sub debugPrintOPML()

' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms763720(v=VS.85).aspx
' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.xml.xmlnode.selectnodes.aspx
' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms256086(v=VS.85).aspx ' expressions
' References: Microsoft XML

Dim xmldoc As New DOMDocument60
Dim oNodeList As IXMLDOMSelection
Dim oNodeList2 As IXMLDOMSelection
Dim curNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim n As Long, n2 As Long, x As Long

Dim strXPathQuery As String
Dim attrLength As Byte
Dim FilePath As String

FilePath = "rss.opml"

xmldoc.Load CurrentProject.Path & "\" & FilePath

strXPathQuery = "opml/body/outline"
Set oNodeList = xmldoc.selectNodes(strXPathQuery)

For n = 0 To (oNodeList.length - 1)
    Set curNode = oNodeList.Item(n)
    attrLength = curNode.Attributes.length
    If attrLength > 1 Then ' or 2 or 3
        Call processNode(curNode)
        Call processNode(curNode)
        strXPathQuery = "opml/body/outline[position() = " & n + 1 & "]/outline"
        Set oNodeList2 = xmldoc.selectNodes(strXPathQuery)
        For n2 = 0 To (oNodeList2.length - 1)
            Set curNode = oNodeList2.Item(n2)
            Call processNode(curNode)
    End If
        Debug.Print "----------------------"

Set xmldoc = Nothing

End Sub

Sub processNode(curNode As IXMLDOMNode)

Dim sAttrName As String
Dim sAttrValue As String
Dim attrLength As Byte
Dim x As Long

attrLength = curNode.Attributes.length

For x = 0 To (attrLength - 1)
    sAttrName = curNode.Attributes.Item(x).nodeName
    sAttrValue = curNode.Attributes.Item(x).nodeValue
    Debug.Print sAttrName & " = " & sAttrValue
    Debug.Print "-----------"

End Sub

This one takes multilevel trees of folders (Awasu, NewzCrawler):

Call xmldocOpen4
Call debugPrintOPML4(Null)

Dim sText4 As String

Sub debugPrintOPML4(strXPathQuery As Variant)

Dim xmldoc4 As New DOMDocument60
'Dim xmldoc4 As New MSXML2.DOMDocument60 ' ?
Dim oNodeList As IXMLDOMSelection
Dim curNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim n4 As Long

If IsNull(strXPathQuery) Then strXPathQuery = "opml/body/outline"

' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms754585(v=VS.85).aspx
xmldoc4.async = False
xmldoc4.loadXML sText4
If (xmldoc4.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then
   Dim myErr
   Set myErr = xmldoc4.parseError
   MsgBox ("You have error " & myErr.reason)
'   MsgBox xmldoc4.xml
End If

Set oNodeList = xmldoc4.selectNodes(strXPathQuery)

For n4 = 0 To (oNodeList.length - 1)
    Set curNode = oNodeList.Item(n4)
    Call processNode4(strXPathQuery, curNode, n4)

Set xmldoc4 = Nothing

End Sub

Sub processNode4(strXPathQuery As Variant, curNode As IXMLDOMNode, n4 As Long)

Dim sAttrName As String
Dim sAttrValue As String
Dim x As Long

For x = 0 To (curNode.Attributes.length - 1)
    sAttrName = curNode.Attributes.Item(x).nodeName
    sAttrValue = curNode.Attributes.Item(x).nodeValue
    'If sAttrName = "text"
    Debug.Print strXPathQuery & " :: " & sAttrName & " = " & sAttrValue
    'End If
    Debug.Print ""

If curNode.childNodes.length > 0 Then
    Call debugPrintOPML4(strXPathQuery & "[position() = " & n4 + 1 & "]/" & curNode.nodeName)
End If

End Sub

Sub xmldocOpen4()

Dim oFSO As New FileSystemObject ' Microsoft Scripting Runtime Reference
Dim oFS
Dim FilePath As String

FilePath = "rss_awasu.opml"
Set oFS = oFSO.OpenTextFile(CurrentProject.Path & "\" & FilePath)
sText4 = oFS.ReadAll

End Sub

or better:

Sub xmldocOpen4()

Dim FilePath As String

FilePath = "rss.opml"

' function ConvertUTF8File(sUTF8File):
' http://www.vbmonster.com/Uwe/Forum.aspx/vb/24947/How-to-read-UTF-8-chars-using-VBA
' loading and conversion from Utf-8 to UTF
sText8 = ConvertUTF8File(CurrentProject.Path & "\" & FilePath)

End Sub

but I don't understand, why xmldoc4 should be loaded each time.