



Hello there,

Here is the issue, I need to find/think of documentation standards for our team. We have several needs, we need documentation standards for Requirements Documentation, Technical Documentation - for projects and Code Style Documentation - for developers which would cover how developers should name, and organize the project's code (should he use regions? How should naming look? etc.), I know it can vary from project to project, but maybe there are some kind of standards for that. Currently each developer writes it as he imagines, and that is not so good, because it is inconsistent, and with different styles etc.

I'm curious how you/your company does that. And maybe there is some kind of standards for that.

How it should look? What content should it include? etc..

BTW we use .NET Technologies.

+6  A: 

Brad Abrams posted an example of an internal Microsoft coding guideline on his blog several years ago:

See also the Microsoft Design Guidelines for Developing Class Libraries

Matt Breckon
I liked internal Microsoft coding guideline. Is there any full version? Or a similar document using the same rules?
Vasiliy Borovyak
I think that is the full version - I wouldn't expect a coding guideline to contain much more - our one at work is a similar length.
Matt Breckon
Looks really nice. But what about Technical and Requirements documentations ? any standards for them?
Lukas Šalkauskas
I've never seen any standards for Technical or Requirements documents - the level to which these are needed varies so much between projects - requirements for medical and safety critical projects may need to be documented to a different level to those for a simple business app.
Matt Breckon
+2  A: 

It doesn't exatcly match your needs, and is focused more on the web development angle, but I asked a similar question yesterday whose results may interest you: Here

thanks, I will take a look at it :)
Lukas Šalkauskas
+2  A: 

Here is a very good book: Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical Publications.

Alexandra Rusina