



It should also allow customers to make patches to the software and exchange patched with other customers.

And the developing company should be able to hold all the rights on source code and on all accepted patches.

+6  A: 

Let your company hire some good lawyer(s) to write such a license.

hasen j
+10 if I could. It can be as cheap as $250 to get a good license and EULA written.
Tim Post
Where can i get a lawyer that does this for $250?
Very constructive answer, indeed.

The Artistic License (the same license used for Perl) gets you part of the way there. Primarily, it forces modifications to be made available to the original licensor so that he may include those modifications in the original software. The Artistic License allows re-distribution by licensees, though, so you'd have to modify the distribution terms to only allow distribution with other customers.
