




Is there any free web based cron that can do scheduled jobs ....

+1  A: 


but why would you want a web based cron over a standard crontab?

Jon i want to send scheduled mails for my users and i am on shared hosting they wont allow schedulers... What is a standard crontab?
Pandiya Chendur
Sorry, standard crontab is simply using the Linux scheduler - see http://www.adminschoice.com/docs/crontab.htm
An alternative to store all your contacts in a database (like MySQL) and use a PHP mailer, e.g. http://pommo.org/
Jon i am using mysql with asp.net ... how can i integrate PHP mailer
Pandiya Chendur
If you have PHP hosting then you should be able to setup pommo fairly easily, failing that look for an ASP mass mailer script...
+1  A: 

You can do (for free, unless your load's very heavy) periodic cron-like "sending of mails" with Google's App Engine, with Java or Python -- but I don't know of a free service that will let you do that with asp.net (or other .NET code).

Alex Martelli
Thanks alex for ur valuable comment
Pandiya Chendur

Here's an couple of old articles on how to implement a cron job with ASP.NET: Simulate a Windows Service using ASP.NET to run scheduled jobs and Scheduled ASP.NET Task (ASP.NET Cron Jobs).

You basically just add something to the cache, and when the item expire you can use that event to trigger your code. Simple.

Jakob Gade