Hello guys, I am looking into improving my practice of web development and come across the popular term of LEAN Programming. Have you guys got some recommended sources of information that I could dig on , any thing would be appreciated. Thanks
On this video you could learn almost all that you need to know about LEAN
I guess this link would be a good starting place. Mary Poppendieck was instrumental in transferring the ideas of Lean Manufacturing to software development. Although Lean may not directly improve your web programming it is closely entwined with Agile methodologies and the benefits that agile brings to software development.
The Limited WIP Society site has a good selection of articles on applying Kanban and Lean principles to software development. Find out more.
I don't know what are exactly your expectations (Lean Software Development is more about process than development practices) but here are a few hints.
In general, every talk/book/interview/video with Mary Poppendieck is more than worth the check. But because I like books, I'd recommend getting Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit (a kind of bible for me).
Another great resource that I like particularly is Pete Abilla's blog: shmula.com. Lots of good stuff there.
Henrik Kniberg has lots of good material on Lean on his blog too. Have a look at it.
Reading things about Lean manufacturing will help too to get a better understanding of the concepts and theorie behind it (The Toyota way, The machine that changed the world, The Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production, A Study of the Toyota Production System from an Industrial Eng. Viewpoint).
I found Corey Ladas' collection of essays in Scrumban - Essays on Kanban Systems for Lean Software Development very useful. You can find some of the essays as articles on leansoftwareengineering.com
From a pure programming perspective, the most important aspect of software development that helps you stay Lean is something that XP'ers call "Testability". Testability is an a-priori issue in Lean (in all of Lean, in fact - not just programming.
[Shameless plug for my own writing and teaching efforts] I've written about these issues using other terms at: