




Hey all,

i copied an existing svn folder (a) to a new folder b and want to also switch the repository url. Its still pointing to a repo.

i try svn switch --relocate but only get:

svn: Relocate can only change the repository part of an URL

What is the right way to do this task?

Thanks for your help!


--relocate can only change the base repository, not the path within a repository

For example:

To switch from http://serverA/repo/path/to/dir to another repo http://serverB/repo/path/to/dir you would type in:

svn switch http://serverA/repo http://serverB/repo

Read svn switch from the SVN Book

As per your comment

my syntax is like: svn --relocate svnserver.com/some/folder/a svnserver.com/some/folder/b

You cannot use --relocate to change folder path, only the repo.

Dan McGrath
svn switch returns:svn: 'https://svnserver/some/folder' is not a working copysvn: 'https://svnserver/some/folder' does not exist
ok, my fault.. svn switch returns (correct syntax now)svn: Directory 'somefolder' is missingThats right because the folder is empty and i first have to checkin.
Glad you got it working.
Dan McGrath
no not really.. svn switch returns:svn: Directory 'somefolder' is missingWhat properly is right, cause the folder is still empty on the svn server.. i have to checkin my changes.
ok, finally fixed the problem with a clean import to the new folder. Thanks for your help!