



Hi, My application present a (raster) moving map. I need to be able to show the map rotated base on any given angle. The program is currently in VC++/MFC but the problem is generic. I have a source bitmap (CBitmap or HBITMAP) and draw it to the device context (CDC) using StretchBlt. While this works fast and smooth for angle=0 (and the user can grab the map smoothly with the mouse), this is not the case if I try to rotate the bitmap and then present it (the rotation of the bitmap using SetWorldTransform() or so takes hundreds of miliseconds and this is too slow).

I think that the solution is to be able to relate only to the pixels that currently on the screen and not rotating the original source bitmap - and this is the key.

If someone has experience with similar implementation then it might save me lots of trial and error efforts. Thanks! Avi.


It looks like SetWorldTransform is extremely slow:

And while the other options presented in that article are faster, there are of course other better solutions like this: (check the comments for fixes and improvements as well)

Also here are some non-Windows centric fast rotation algorithms:

Note that if you guarantee power of 2 dimensions you can get significant speed improvements.

In the first article they say: "GetRotatedBitmapNT() This function is specific to NT and will not work on Windows95. It's the simplest and probably the fastest of the three functions listed in this topic. "So as I understand it they claim that GetRotatedBitmapNT() is maybe the fastest.But I'll review the other links and update back if I find a breakthrough.Thanks so far...Avi.

As follow up to my question and provided answer, let me summarize the following:

  1. I used the algorithm mentioned at

  2. It works and provide pretty good performance and smooth display.

  3. There were some bugs in it that I needed to fix as well as simplify the formulas and code in some cases.

  4. I will examine the algorithm mentioned at to see if it provides some break through performance that worth adapting it.

  5. My implementation required using a large source bitmap, so I needed to modify the code so I will not rotate the whole bitmap each time but only the relevant portion that will be displayed at the screen (otherwise performance would be unacceptable).

