



Does anybody know how to update RubyGems on Ubuntu. The usual way doesn't work:

steve@ubuntu:~$ rails /home/steve/www/mynewapp -d mysql
      create  app/controllers
      create  app/helpers
      create  app/models
      create  app/views/layouts
      create  config/environments
      create  config/initializers
      create  config/locales
      create  db
      create  doc
      create  lib
      create  lib/tasks
      create  log
      create  public/images
      create  public/javascripts
      create  public/stylesheets
      create  script/performance
      create  test/fixtures
      create  test/functional
      create  test/integration
      create  test/performance
      create  test/unit
      create  vendor
      create  vendor/plugins
      create  tmp/sessions
      create  tmp/sockets
      create  tmp/cache
      create  tmp/pids
      create  Rakefile
      create  README
      create  app/controllers/application_controller.rb
      create  app/helpers/application_helper.rb
      create  config/database.yml
      create  config/routes.rb
      create  config/locales/en.yml
      create  db/seeds.rb
      create  config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
      create  config/initializers/inflections.rb
      create  config/initializers/mime_types.rb
      create  config/initializers/new_rails_defaults.rb
      create  config/initializers/session_store.rb
      create  config/environment.rb
      create  config/boot.rb
      create  config/environments/production.rb
      create  config/environments/development.rb
      create  config/environments/test.rb
      create  script/about
      create  script/console
      create  script/dbconsole
      create  script/destroy
      create  script/generate
      create  script/runner
      create  script/server
      create  script/plugin
      create  script/performance/benchmarker
      create  script/performance/profiler
      create  test/test_helper.rb
      create  test/performance/browsing_test.rb
      create  public/404.html
      create  public/422.html
      create  public/500.html
      create  public/index.html
      create  public/favicon.ico
      create  public/robots.txt
      create  public/images/rails.png
      create  public/javascripts/prototype.js
      create  public/javascripts/effects.js
      create  public/javascripts/dragdrop.js
      create  public/javascripts/controls.js
      create  public/javascripts/application.js
      create  doc/README_FOR_APP
      create  log/server.log
      create  log/production.log
      create  log/development.log
      create  log/test.log
steve@ubuntu:~$ cd /home/steve/www/mynewapp
steve@ubuntu:~/www/mynewapp$ ruby script/server
Rails requires RubyGems >= 1.3.2 (you have 1.3.1). Please `gem update --system` and try again.
steve@ubuntu:~/www/mynewapp$ gem update --system
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (RuntimeError)
    gem update --system is disabled on Debian. RubyGems can be updated using the official Debian repositories by aptitude or apt-get.
+10  A: 

Seems like you installed rubygems from Debian/apt-get package.

If you're on Ubuntu 9.04 or later, this might work:

sudo gem install rubygems-update
sudo update_rubygems

Otherwise, remove the package and install rubygems from source, which is the recommended way to install rubygems anyway:

sudo apt-get remove rubygems
tar xzvf rubygems-1.3.5.tgz
cd rubygems-1.3.5
sudo ruby setup.rb
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem
sudo gem update --system

More resources: Ruby on Rails installation on Ubuntu.


This website runs through the installing rails and rubygems on ubuntu if you need it


Also you may find this cool

This guy has made gedit more textmatey which is awesome. Heres what you do:

Install on Ubuntu Karmic

  1. Add Ubuntu on Rails PPA in System → Administration → Software Sources on Third Party Software tab:

  2. Install gedit-gmate package:

    $ sudo apt-get install gedit-gmate

Then just oped gedit goto > Edit > Prefrences

In preferences you can change the fonts and colours Black Pearl II is good and add the extra cool plugins. Hope you like all these cool added features.
