



Is there any way to set-up a symmetric self-join relationship mapping in NHibernate? Suppose we have two tables:



The User and Relation classes should look like this:

class User
    public virtual int Id { get; set; }
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual ISet<Relation> Relations { get; set; }

class Relation
    public virtual int Id { get; set; }
    public virtual User User1 { get; set; }
    public virtual User User2 { get; set; }
    // Let's leave the RealationType as string for the sake of brevity 
    public virtual string RelationType { get; set; }

I do NOT want the relations table to have two rows for the same relation. But the relation MUST be symmetric, which means if there's a relation between two users, A and B, the Relations collection of the user A must contain a relation with user B and the relations of user B must contain a relation to A.

It sounds almost like a challenge. But, can someone solve this? Please, if you can, post the xml mapping. I'm not using Fluent.


You can use Key-Many-To-One mapping and remove the Id field from the relation entity. Also you better use inheritance for different relation types.

Ok, so, the mapping for relations would be somthing like this... <class name="Relation" table="relations"> <composite-id> <key-many-to-one name="User1" class="User" /> <key-many-to-one name="User2" class="User" /> </composite-id> </class>How should I map the User class? Since the id can be either on column `user1` or `user2`.

I doubt it. If you think about the manual SQL query you'd need to write to pull a User & all his Relations out in an outer join query, you can see why NHibernate would struggle to generate something like this. Updates would be an even bigger headache - how do you decide which ids go in which field for a new Relation?

If you're stuck on this model, all I can suggest as a workaround is to map two private collections and implement a Union()ed read-only public collection. Implement update/remove methods that locate & modify the appropriate relation, and a round-robin Add() method. You won't have any NHibernate query support for queries on this collection.

Your other option is to change your data model so that User has a many-to-many relationship to Relation (eg a UserRelation table), rely on application code to enforce a 'two users per relation' rule, and add convenience methods like IList<User> GetRelations(RelationType)
