I have a button in a repeater that needs to bind XPath data to an argument
<asp:Repeater ID="DVDRepeater" runat="server" DataSourceID="XmlDataSource1">
<img src='images/products/<%#XPath("image")%>' title='<%#XPath("@name")%>' alt='<%#XPath("@name")%>'
style="float: left;" />
<div style="float: right; width: 320px;">
<br />
<br />
<div style="clear: both;">
<div style="width: 100%; float: right;">
<asp:LinkButton CssClass="img_button button_preview"
Text="Preview" />
<asp:HyperLink CssClass="img_button button_read" ID="btnRead" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/Products.aspx" Text="Read" /><h2 style="float:right;">$<%#XPath("price")%></h2></div>
<div style="clear: both; height: 30px;">
<div style="clear: both;">
</asp:Repeater><asp:XmlDataSource ID="XmlDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="~/App_Data/Products.xml"
XPath="Products/Product[contains(@category,'DVDS')]" />
but the problem I am having is that it's just not working ... the video is not firing.
Protected Sub RollVideo_Command(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CommandEventArgs)
'Wolf Snaring
If e.CommandName = "RollVideo" Then
With MediaPlayer1
.AutoPlay = True
.ScaleMode = System.Web.UI.SilverlightControls.ScaleMode.Zoom
.MediaSource = "trailers/" & e.CommandArgument
.PlaceholderSource = Settings.Video.BackgroundImage
.PluginBackground = Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#21120a")
.Width = 280
.Height = 210
.MediaSkinSource = "~/App_Themes/WolfTrapping/MediaPlayerSkins/" & Settings.Video.SkinToUse & ".xaml"
End With
End If
End Sub
Any help here would be greatly appreciated.