



I want to be able to call a custom function called "recent_date" as part of my HQL. Like this: [Date] >= recent_date()

I created a new dialect, inheriting from MsSql2000Dialect and specified the dialect for my configuration.

public class NordicMsSql2000Dialect : MsSql2000Dialect
    public NordicMsSql2000Dialect()
      new SQLFunctionTemplate(
       "dateadd(day, -15, getdate())"

var configuration = Fluently.Configure()
    .ConnectionString(c => .... )
    .Cache(c => c.UseQueryCache().ProviderClass<HashtableCacheProvider>())
.Mappings(m => ....)

When calling recent_date() I get the following error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'recent_date' is not a recognized function name

I'm using it in a where statement for a HasMany-mapping like below.

HasMany(x => x.RecentValues)
    .Where("Date >= recent_date()");

What am I missing here?

+1  A: 

I think, Where is a SQL statement, not a HQL statement. So it doesn't know the function. It only works for HQL, in queries or filters.

Stefan Steinegger
Sorry, about that. I should have made it clear that "SELECT .... FROM SomeTable WHERE ...." was just an example. We do not use that part in our code.
Kristoffer Ahl

I thought you had to prefix your function with "dbo." whenever you used it. My custom dialect has this:

RegisterFunction("dbo.isbounded", new SQLFunctionTemplate(NHibernateUtil.Double, "dbo.IsBounded(?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6)"));

It's then called using

Thanks. But will that work for a HasMany where-statement like above? According to the link below, where="" can only contain plain old SQL. I had to go for a different solution as I needed to get the feature I was working on done.
Kristoffer Ahl
The fact you're getting a SQL exception would indicate that NHibernate is passing it through to the sql engine and therefore it's not a NHibernate problem with recognising the function. As such, I'd say yes. In terms of where clauses only taking raw sql; If that's the case then you shouldn't have to register the function at all and just type straight "dbo.recent_date()" in your where clause.
I don't think that will work as SQLite (to my knowledge) does not support custom functions. I need the solution to work with both MsSql and SQLite and I was looking to do this at a dialect level. Any ideas?
Kristoffer Ahl
I'm not sure why you're trying to register a custom SQL function for a database engine that doesn't support them. The point of a Dialect is to match it to an engine's functionality. That's why dialects are per database engine.
Well, to tell you the truth I thought that functions registered with RegisterFunction was handled by NHibernate and that NHibernate resolved the SQL behind it before it was sent off to the db. So I guess RegisterFunction is not the way to go at all.
Kristoffer Ahl