



I'm coding a simple RTS game as a hobbie, and to learn about pathfinding algorithms, a*, strategies, flocking, etc.

I think I'm doing fine so far, but now that I have completed about 50% of the goals I wanted to achieve, I was looking for some tutorials/books to compare what I've been doing so far with the common techniques used in RTS games, but I didn't find much information.

Do you know any good books or tutorials about programming RTS games?

+2  A: 

Best way, i suppose, would be to investigate source code of other RTS games.

Arnis L.
Looks like this is the way to go
+3  A: 

There's Programming an RTS Game with Direct3D which is a bit older. The graphics part is probably somewhat outdated but the other subjects are still good (e.g. pathfinding)

Sander Marechal
Sounds good, since I don't care too much about he graphics right now. I want to focus more on the algorithms and that stuff

I got a copy of Real-Time Strategy Game Programming Using MS DIRECTX 6.0 a long time ago and I remember thinking it was quite well done. Like the other suggestion the graphics section is obviously out of date, but the rest is solid.

Dan Olson

The Game Programming Gems series covers a lot of the topics you mentioned. It would also be worth looking into the AI Gems series as well.
