



How can I reset the auto-scroll interval on my jCarouselLite carousel after some event so that it lets you look at the content for the full interval, regardless of how far along the timer was when you clicked next or previous? Right now, if I click next or previous after 9 seconds, it scrolls again after 1 second.

In the jCarouselLite source code on lines 274-277 is where the auto-scroll is implemented using setInterval. I know you can use clearInterval if you have the ID returned by setInterval, but there isn't one I can get outside of modifying the source code, and I don't want to do that.

Any ideas? Thanks!

+3  A: 

jCarouselLite itself doesn't provide any easy way to stop the auto-scrolling, which is an easier problem then do what you seem to want (?did I understand this right: You just want the autoscroll to temporarily stop on click and then continue)

Hacky + potentially buggy way to stop the autoscroll altogether

var x; //hold interval id
$(function() {
    var y = window.setInterval; //backup original setInterval function
    //overwrite with new function which stores the id for us
    window.setInterval = function() {
        x = y(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
        return x; 
    //now construct carousel
        btnNext: ".next",
        btnPrev: ".prev",
        auto: 500 
    //now restore original setInterval function
    //as we only needed the custom one for the carousel to capture the hidden
    //internal call to setInterval
    window.setInterval = y;
$("#stopAutoScrollButton").click(function() {

Real solution

As we can't get jCarouselLite to do this on its own we simulate the auto behavior ourself.

$(function() {
    var autoTime = 5000; //5s
        btnNext: ".next",
        btnPrev: ".prev"
    //simulate autoscroll by simulating "click" on next link
    var x = setInterval("$('.next').trigger('click');", autoTime);
    //if stopAuto is clicked the autoscroll is suspended for autoTime
    //no matter how far along the timer already was
    $("#stopAuto").click(function() {
        x = setInterval("$('.next').trigger('click');", autoTime);
Yes, essentially I'd just like to have a mechanism to control the auto-scroll myself. I just want to create my own events to pause, resume, completely stop, and re-start the auto-scrolling. Your solution of simulating the auto-scroll behavior with custom code will be perfect! Thanks!

Here's a version with a pause on mouseover built-in. Works nicely.
