



Mobile Safari is a very capable browser, and it can handle my website as it is perfectly. However, there are a few elements on my page that could be optimized for browsing using this device; such as serving specific thumbnails that are smaller than the desktop counterparts to help fit more content into the screen.

I would like to know how I can detect Mobile Safari (all versions, preferably) using PHP, so then I can serve a) a specific css file and b) different sized image thumbnails.

+3  A: 

That will give you the user-agent string back which you can compare to mobile safari.

p.s. WURFL may help you determine which UAs you want.

DeviceAtlas is another alternative to WURFL
+1  A: 

Compare the user agent string with the one of a Safari Mobile uses:

Safari Mobile User Agent String

Joe Scylla
This link doesn't seem to go to the right place anymore.
your link seems no longer to be valid.. it just redirects to the front-page of safari for developers.
This is an updated link to the information:
Jeff Winkworth
+2  A: 

Thanks Joe, I read that page and found the WebKit detection library (in JavaScript). I changed the code to suit my needs.

For anyone that's interested, here's my solution.


/* detect Mobile Safari */

$browserAsString = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

if (strstr($browserAsString, " AppleWebKit/") && strstr($browserAsString, " Mobile/"))
    $browserIsMobileSafari = true;

But what if JavaScript is turned off?
Matt Lacey
@Matt - The detection is done server side, you didn't read my post properly - I changed the code to fit my needs, as in finding the strings " AppleWebKit/" and " Mobile/".

For mobile browser detection see

Matt Lacey
FYI, there is a fee for the use of this code on commercial sites. Currently (07/01/2010), it is $50 a year.

I have published a new mode to detect devices in any programming language (JSP, PHP, Perl, Python.....), it's called Apache Mobile Filter is an Apache module ( that detect mobile device and also can adapt the images to the screen size of device.

For more info:


Mozilla/5.0 (webOS/1.0; U; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.27.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/1.0 Safari/525.27.1 Pre/1.0 that is the browser for the palm Pre, and the word 'Mobile' is not there.

I am working on making my detect work fully with all newer capable browsers. After looking at the mytouch, G1, Palm Pre, droid and others, (but not all) I am now confident this is workable for all new phones:

if(preg_match("/applewebkit/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match("/(mobile|pre)/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) header("Location:".urlencode($_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]));

Andrew Deal