



I have headers in <h1> through <h6> tags. Is there a way that I can use JavaScript to generate a table of contents for the contents that serves as anchor tags as well?

I would like the output to be something like:

    <li>Header 1</li>
    <li>Header 1</li>
        <li>Header 2</li>
            <li>Header 3</li>

I am not currently using a JavaScript framework, but I don't see why I couldn't use one.

I am also looking for something done, since I'm guessing this is a common problem, but if not, a starting point to roll my own would be good.


after page load, cycle through the DOM and look for the elements that interest you. build a nice list of anchors and add it to the document at the place of your desire.

Amir Arad
+1  A: 

Are you looking for a prepackaged solution or are you asking how this can be implemented?

For the latter, you could use getElementsByTagName() recursively on <h1> through <h6> XPath to iterate through all <h*> elements and construct the corresponding nested <ul> or <ol> lists. You'd also have to add the <a> tags to the headers.

Ates Goral
Using Xpath assumes the document will be well-form XHTML.
Yeah, and it also assumes that the browser supports XPath. Not the most universal solution I guess...
Ates Goral
+3  A: 

JQuery comes to mind as a fast and easy solution. A quick google search for jquery table of contents yields two promising results:

Francis Beaudet
So, these "solutions" do not do re-create the structure recursively (with all h1..h6), right? -
Sergey Ilinsky

I wrote something a while ago which does this... It will need some adjusting though:


You can, but it depends on your layout if it would be a good solution, because if you employ floats and absolute positioned elements, DOM might not have elements as your visual representation present them ...


Check out the component you are looking for on this page: Re-inventing XMLHttpRequest: Cross-browser implementation with sniffing capabilities

It walks over entire document and creates a TOC with all h1-h6 elements reflected in an openable (upon hover) structure. The component is standalone and it doesn't use any library.

Sergey Ilinsky
+3  A: 

I couldn't resist putting together a quick implementation.

Add the following script anywhere on your page:

window.onload = function () {
    var toc = "";
    var level = 0;

    document.getElementById("contents").innerHTML =
      function (str, openLevel, titleText, closeLevel) {
       if (openLevel != closeLevel) {
        return str;

       if (openLevel > level) {
        toc += (new Array(openLevel - level + 1)).join("<ul>");
       } else if (openLevel < level) {
        toc += (new Array(level - openLevel + 1)).join("</ul>");

       level = parseInt(openLevel);

       var anchor = titleText.replace(/ /g, "_");
       toc += "<li><a href=\"#" + anchor + "\">" + titleText
        + "</a></li>";

       return "<h" + openLevel + "><a name=\"" + anchor + "\">"
        + titleText + "</a></h" + closeLevel + ">";

    if (level) {
     toc += (new Array(level + 1)).join("</ul>");

    document.getElementById("toc").innerHTML += toc;

Your page should be structured something like this:

    <div id="toc">
     <h3>Table of Contents</h3>
    <div id="contents">
     <h2>Red Fruits</h2>
     <h2>Orange Fruits</h2>
     <h2>Vegetables Which Are Actually Fruits</h2>

You can see it in action at (Works in IE, FF, Safari, Opera)

Ates Goral
Not tested, but it looks somewhat solid.
Thomas Owens