I'm a web designer. In a effort to make Flash-based sites for my clients I have gone over stacks of AS books now for months. I just don't get any of it--and I've tried. Moreover, the books all give abstract examples to do just about anything with AE. My needs are very limited: I need to use AS for web navigation in order to create Flash-based websites.
Here's an example of what I'd like my websites to do: http://www.hellomonday.net/
Can anybody point me to Flash templates, demos, tutorials, AS libraries, websites, videos, classes, that focus on Flash navigation, with specific examples of real life websites? Or blocks of code where all I have to do is replace some lines with my own stuff? Or an AS library comparable to jQuery? I know this has to be doable. I don't know any JavaScript either, but I'm perfectly able to fulfill all my web design needs with jQuery.
Or, is there any way to look at the code of websites that I like?
Thanks in advance.