I'm generally a PHP dev, but over the past few months I have been dying to get into a new language. I have tried everything, I learned a little Java, not for me; a little Python, I dislike the syntax, I wanted to try Perl, but never got around to it. On the other hand I started to read an ebook on Ruby, and I really like the language, I'v decided that when all is said and done that I want to develop in not only PHP, but Ruby as well. The issue was that I only code for the web, and not computer application based programs. I have searched for hours on Google just trying to find a resource(s) that would allow me to run a normal ruby .rb script within my browser with no strings attached. All I seemed to get was a web IRB applet.
I was highly against the idea of using a framework, as I despise most of them, except the Javascript ones. However after some time, I got over the crap and tried out Ruby on rails (ROR). To be honest the only reason I like it is that it allows me to run the application in my browser, and I'm able to create a UI. Other then that it does nothing for me.
To finally ask my question, I would greatly appreciate anyone that can point me to great ROR' resources, not books but online tutorials, that don't have to do with Scaffolding (err)... Right now I use the net.tutplus sites for a resource and I love that type of content especially this tutorial: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/ruby/from-codeigniter-to-ruby-on-rails-a-conversion/
I do pay every 3 months for a subscription to that site, for their super top quality tutorials, so I don't mind spending a little cash. Although, free in this case is always better.
Anyway sorry for making you reading so much, I suppose I can't control my fingers... (That was a joke, hah ;)) Any answer you have to offer would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advanced.