




Hi guys.

I would like to know about Android application signing.

IFAIK, blackberry and iphone application must be signed to work on the real device. For the Android, does application need to sign ?

If so, how to sign the application ?

Please advice. guys.

Thanks in advance.

+6  A: 

There's a guide to signing Android applications on the developer website: http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/app-signing.html

To answer your immediate concern: you don't need a real device to sign an application. You sign during the build process, so it can be done on any computer with the correct software (which is all free). The easiest way to build a signed application is to just use Eclipse's ADT plugin, which has an "export signed application" feature.

Daniel Lew
During development the application gets signed with a dev key which will work on emulators and on real phones. You only need to generate a your own key when you're ready to upload your application to the Android Market.
Dave Webb
Very true; I suggest re-using one development key (rather than using the one that ADT generates) because then each person working on the same application ends up using the same debug signing key.
Daniel Lew
Also, you will have to create a KEYSTORE file. DO NOT LOSE OR DELETE THIS FILE. I would suggest signing up with an online storage vendor and store it there. DropBox is free for 2GB. If you lose that keystore file, you will not be able to update your application. This means that you will have to release it as a new application, which will not make users happy if you charge for you app, because they would have to be charged again to get the update. And no, there is no way around it.
+2  A: 

If you are using the Eclipse plugin.

Right click on the project > Android Tools > Export Signed Application Package

Follow the instructions for creating a .keystore file and you're sorted!

Laurence Dawson