How do I user the JavaScript "filter
" attribute as filter my JavaScript object?
I've been reading the following StackOverflow post, and am in a similar situation.
I have the following JavaScript object:
'cars' :
"car_id" : "1",
"price" : "42999",
"make_id" : "050",
"year_built" : "2007",
"color_id" : "832"
I'm using JQuery to display controls to allow people to filter based on: Price, Make, Year Built, Color
Per that other post, I can use the following code:
// if using an old browser, define the 'filter' attribute
if (!Array.prototype.filter)
Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisp*/)
var len = this.length >>> 0;
if (typeof fun != "function")
throw new TypeError();
var res = new Array();
var thisp = arguments[1];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (i in this)
var val = this[i]; // in case fun mutates this
if (, val, i, this))
return res;
then to perform the actual filter, I can do:
result = cars.
filter(function(p) { return p.price >= 15000 }).
filter(function(p) { return p.price <= 40000 }).
filter(function(p) { return p.year_built >= 2000 }) etc
What I don't understand is, how do I use my JQuery controls to dynamically change the filter
once the filter has already been set? Meaning, let's say I have the filter applied from above, then the user changes there mind and wants to increase the maximum they are willing to pay for a car from $40,000 to $50,000.
How would I problematically modify my filter from :
filter(function(p) { return p.price <= 40000 }).
filter(function(p) { return p.price <= 50000 }).