



Hi all,

Title says it all. I'm looking for a C++, async io library that should be compatible with both unix and windows systems.

What are some good libraries?

Is this asking too much for a library that does both systems?

What are peoples' experiences with this matter?

+3  A: 

Try to take a look at boost::asio. I've never personally used it but I heard good things about it.

Andreas Bonini
The OP is looking for *file* I/O, whereas Boost.Asio is primarily network oriented.
Charles Salvia
It's possible to attach normal files to these. But I'm not sure it's very portable once you get into that and he is wanting portability
Matt H
It also has file support. . It however appears that it's windows-only, I didn't know that (boost usually is very portable)
Andreas Bonini
yes, i've looked at boost, it seems to separate the unix and windows it *seems* like I shouldn't use boost.
+2  A: 

Use boost::asio with boost::iostreams instead of asio streams. ASIO provides asynchronousness, while IOStreams provide powerful portable IO options.

Kornel Kisielewicz