




I'm learning Smalltalk, but I want to know if there is any IDE like Smalltalk Agents(on Macintosh), but for Windows. There isn't like a VM emulating a OS, as Squeak and Pharo do.

I want to use a IDE that is fully integrated with the OS(Windows in this case), like Visual Studio and WinASM. Not a IDE like Squeak and Pharo that create something like a workspace with a new theme and OS-Independent(that confuses me).

Also, I want some suggestions of tutorials to use these IDEs.

+1  A: 

Squeak on Eclipse

fuzzy lollipop
Hadn't heard about that before. Looks interesting. Thanks for th e link.
Bob Jarvis
-1 you should state that it is vapoware!
It's not vapourware. It's simply not publically available. The difference might be subtle, but it's still profound.
Frank Shearar
+4  A: 

Depending on how I interpret your question I can come up with a couple answers.

If you're looking for a Smalltalk that is tightly integrated with Windows and allows applications to be developed that interact natively with Windows I suggest you look at Dolphin Smalltalk. However, this still uses a VM (virtual machine) to execute the Smalltalk code.

If you're looking for a Smalltalk that apparently compiles to native code under Windows NT you can take a look at Smalltalk MT.

If you want a Smalltalk that does not come with its own development environment, where you use a text editor to create source code files, I believe that GNU Smalltalk would fit the bill.

I hope this is helpful.


Sorry, I managed to miss the part about tutorials. Although saying "Google for it" seems like cheating that's probably your best bet. Here's a few I found that way:

General Tutorials
Smalltalk for Java Programmers

Dolphin Smalltalk tutorial
Beginner's Guide to Dolphin Smalltalk
And although I didn't go check I believe there's a tutorial at the Object-Arts web site.

Smalltalk MT
Didn't find anything specific. Perhaps those more familiar with this product can comment.

GNU Smalltalk
GNU Smalltalk tutorial

VisualWorks Smalltalk
VisualWorks Smalltalk tutorial

Share and enjoy.

Bob Jarvis
+5  A: 

Don't mind the downvotes, I consider your question to be a common and valid question.

Beside Dolphin Smalltalk you may also take a look at Visualworks Smalltalk. It comes with a modern development environment using the native Windows look and feel. The IDE of Visualworks is thus way better than eg Squeak or Pharo. The downside is Visualworks's commercial license (they want 5% of your sales), but as long as you don't want to start a business, this won't affect you.


PS: I assume that in the question's title you refer to "VM" in the sense of VMWare and friends (ie a system VM). This might confuse some (vintage) Smalltalkers since they are very proud that Smalltalk was one of the first languages to run on top of a VM in the sense of the JVM or the CLR (ie a language VM).


I'd suggest you look at Smalltalk MT if I understand your question. I believe most Smalltalks work with an IDE, and that is a good thing since much of the productivity comes from that.

Smalltalk MT allows your code to be compiled to a windows C style DLL. It's pretty fast.

It may not help you overcome the learning curve though - that is probably going to be a challenge which ever one you select. I think Squeak is a great starting point for learning though since it has such a great user community and is free.

Hope that helps,

-- DM


It's funny, no one mentioned Smalltalk/X, which is actually nearest to what you look for: it includes a command line tool (stc) which compiles ST-source files into individual obj-files. My linking against a runtime library (which contains GC, bytecode-jitter etc). you get the rest. But: if your main does not call for a window and you do not link against the GUI/IDE class libraries, you can create even the smallest hello-world programs (in a few kilobytes). It does also include a full blown IDE, so you can develop inside the IDE, fileout and make (or check into cvs / checkou and make).
