I was wondering if there are any kind of CSS libraries like a Yahoo CSS Library?
Basically I am looking for something akin to JQuery but for CSS instead of JavaScript.
I was wondering if there are any kind of CSS libraries like a Yahoo CSS Library?
Basically I am looking for something akin to JQuery but for CSS instead of JavaScript.
There's really not that much of a reason for a CSS library / framework (in one's opinion) as everything you'd be doing is specific to your application's style (Cascasing Style Sheets).
However, there is something I use alot (or the designers I work with), made by Eric Meyer called reset which is a nice tool (as it homongenizes the styles to be almost the same in all browsers), however it does force a rule upon every element on the page (which can slow stuff down sometimes). Here's the link - http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/
I think Blueprint is the nearest you’ll get to a CSS library, outside of the YUI stuff.
There are also standalone grid systems that make laying out your page easier, e.g. 960.gs
Because CSS isn’t a programming language, there isn’t really much scope for abstracting out common tasks. It’s very difficult to really isolate one style from another.
What I have found useful is looking at the CSS in CSS frameworks like Blueprint, to see what they do, and how they do it. Then do a slimmed down version of that for whatever site I’m working on.
Using a CSS framework will only truly help if your mindset and needs align with those of the framework creator.
Personally, I think that something like SASS which allows you to generate whatever style of CSS you want, with nifty features such as variables for storing colors consistently, is the best thing to use for larger projects.
There are not really CSS frameworks. It's just a buzzword. A better name is "themes" or "look'n'feel".
jQuery has also several themes in its UI library and you can even roll your own.
To not reinvent the wheel, I would recommend the book Pro CSS and HTML Design Patterns.