



Hi, I am considering which scheme to use.

I would like to use a scheme that has or can be compiled to have no threading support. I have to avoid the layers that threading libs provide. I want an implementation that has no code for interpreter locks, etc. Something that can compile to C is ideal. This will be Unix only. Chicken and Gambit are my first choice with TinyScheme as an alternative strategy.

I want to use this scheme as the replacement for a ruby app that I have now. This is why it has to be a decent scheme, it has to have rich support for strings, hashes, regex, dictionaries, etc.

Any such beast out there?


My knee-jerk reaction is to recommend PLT Scheme, which has pretty extensive string support, has hash-tables, has regexes and can compile down to C.

Not really sure how you'd go about ignoring its threading though; I've never really needed to.

the threading interferes with the IO libs. PLT is awesome, but it won't work here.

You might try Chibi Scheme or Larceny. I don't think that either of them have threading. Chibi runs on a VM, Larceny compiles to native code. I expect that Larceny's support for various libraries will be better.

Sam TH