
How to implement continuations?

I'm working on a Scheme interpreter written in C. Currently it uses the C runtime stack as its own stack, which is presenting a minor problem with implementing continuations. My current solution is manual copying of the C stack to the heap then copying it back when needed. Aside from not being standard C, this solution is hardly ideal. ...

Lisp/Scheme interpreter without Emacs?

Hi, I've been wanting to teach myself Lisp for a while. However, all the interpreters of which I've heard involve some flavor of emacs. Are there any command line interpreters, such that I could type this into the command line: lispinterpret sourcefile.lisp just like I can run perl or python. While I'd also like to become more fa...

What's a good beginning text on functional programming?

I like to study languages outside my comfort zone, but I've had a hard time finding a place to start for functional languages. I heard a lot of good things about Structure and Interpretations of Computer Programs, but when I tried to read through it a couple of years ago it just seemed to whiz over my head. I do way better with books t...

Keeping CL and Scheme straight in your head

Depending on my mood I seem to waffle back and forth between wanting a Lisp-1 and a Lisp-2. Unfortunately beyond the obvious name space differences, this leaves all kinds of amusing function name/etc problems you run into. Case in point, trying to write some code tonight I tried to do (map #'function listvar) which, of course, doesn't ...

Looking for examples of "real" uses of continuations

I'm trying to grasp the concept of continuations and I found several small teaching examples like this one from the Wikipedia article: (define the-continuation #f) (define (test) (let ((i 0)) ; call/cc calls its first function argument, passing ; a continuation variable representing this point in ; the program as the arg...

Are there any good, free programs for graphing program execution?

I'd like to automatically generate a graph of a simple, tree-recursive program in Scheme. In the end, I'd like the output to wind up with something like this (only not as wretched): fib (2) fib (0) fib (1) Edit: I know about Common Lisp's trace functionality. I was hoping for something a little more aesthetically appealing, alth...

Learning LISP/Scheme - Interpreter

Hey everyone, I've been making my way through The Little Schemer and was wondering what environment/ide/interpreter would be best to use in order to test any of the Scheme code I jot down for myself. Thanks ...

Guile scheme - quoted period?

What does the following Guile scheme code do? (eq? y '.) (cons x '.) The code is not valid in MzScheme, is there a portable equivalent across scheme implementations? I am trying to port this code written by someone else. Guile seems to respond to '. with #{.}#, but I'm not sure what it means or how to do this in another scheme. ...

What do you think about the loss of MIT's 6.001 (SICP) course?

MIT abandoned its legendary 6.001 (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) course and replaced it with 6.00, 6.01 and 6.02 in the new curriculum. They are AFAIK about Python and robots. What is your opinion about the loss of SICP and Scheme in computer science education? Is it a necessary step in the right direction or a bad m...

How do I append to an alist in scheme?

Adding an element to the head of an alist (Associative list) is simple enough: > (cons '(ding . 53) '((foo . 42) (bar . 27))) ((ding . 53) (foo . 42) (bar . 27)) Appending to the tail of an alist is a bit trickier though. After some experimenting, I produced this: > (define (alist-append alist pair) `(,@alist ,pair)) > (alist-append ...

Does such a procedure exist in a Scheme standard and if yes, how is it called?

I looked for the name of a procedure, which applies a tree structure of procedures to a tree structure of data, yielding a tree structure of results - all three trees having the same structure. Such a procedure might have the signature: (map-tree data functree) Its return value would be the result of elementwise application of f...

Benefits of learning scheme?

I've just started one of my courses, as classes just began 2 weeks ago, and we are learning Scheme right now in one for I assume some reason later on, but so far from what he is teaching is basically how to write in scheme. As I sit here trying to stay awake I'm just trying to grasp why I would want to know this, and why anyone uses it....

How do I access a char ** through ffi in plt-scheme?

I'm mocking about with plt-scheme's ffi and I have a C-function that returns a char ** (array of strings). If I declare my function as (_fun _pointer -> _pointer), how do I convert the result to a list of strings in scheme? Here are the relevant C-declarations: typedef char **MYSQL_ROW; /* return data as array of strings */ // ... MY...

How do I take a slice of a list (A sublist) in scheme?

Given a list, how would I select a new list, containing a slice of the original list (Given offset and number of elements) ? EDIT: Good suggestions so far. Isn't there something specified in one of the SRFI's? This appears to be a very fundamental thing, so I'm surprised that I need to implement it in user-land. ...

Common Lisp or Scheme?

Which would you recommend learning, CL or Scheme? What are the pros and cons of each, compared to eachother? ...

What is the closest thing to Slime for Scheme?

I do most of my development in Common Lisp, but there are some moments when I want to switch to Scheme (while reading Lisp in Small Pieces, when I want to play with continuations, or when I want to do some scripting in Gauche, for example). In such situations, my main source of discomfort is that I don't have Slime (yes, you may call me ...

Creating Custom GnuCash Reports with Scheme

Are there any resources which show how to create custom GnuCash reports? I don't know the intricacies of Scheme but I do know the basics of Lisp, based on tinkering with Emacs. Is there a site which lays out the API for GnuCash reports, ideally with a little explanation of Scheme as well? ...

What is your favorite misconception about Lisp?

Please respond with one by one. If you explain why it is not true then try to avoid general statements and provide particular examples. ...

List Comprehension Library for Scheme?

I know there is a list-comprehension library for common lisp (incf-cl), I know they're supported natively in various other functional (and some non-functional) languages (F#, Erlang, Haskell and C#) - is there a list comprehension library for Scheme? incf-cl is implemented in CL as a library using macros - shouldn't it be possible to us...

Sources for learning about Scheme Macros: define-syntax and syntax-rules

I've read JRM's Syntax-rules Primer for the Merely Eccentric and it has helped me understand syntax-rules and how it's different from common-lisp's define-macro. syntax-rules is only one way of implementing a syntax transformer within define-syntax. I'm looking for two things, the first is more examples and explanations of syntax-rules...