Hi everyone,
Very basic question: I am coding a web app that has a handful of pages. These pages have the usual shared elements: eg, the site's header/masthead and a side-bar are present on all pages. The HTML is static (not dynamically generated, its "ajaxy-ness" is done client-side).
What is the best way of importing/"including" those common elements into my pages? The solution I am using is to have the HTML files contain empty place-holders
<div id="header"></div>
<div id="leftSideBar"></div>
and then do in jquery's $(document).ready():
$.get("header.html", function(html) { $("#header").html(html); });
// ....
Is this the best way to do this? I'm new to web development. : )
I guess I could also dig up a "macro-like" code-generation tool that I would run on the HTML files to replace, eg, "#header" with the contents of header.html. That way loading a page would require a single request for a single HTML file, which sounds better.
What is the smart way to achieve this? I am sure this problem has been solved a thousand times.
EDIT: The server-side is coded in Python+cherrypy. (I am assuming it is reasonable to try to keep away from dynamically generating HTML when doing "web 2.0-ish" web apps. Please correct me if I am wrong. As I said, I am very new to this environment.)
Thank you for your insights,