Safari map handling fails to work properly for me in Version 4.0.4 (5531.21.10).
I am having the same problem.
I have a partial solution.
In an attempt to work around this problem, I have used javascript to get the new image dimensions and then to retrieve, refactor, and rewrite the area coordinates. Calling this function on page load (even a previously zoomed page) allows proper processing of the image map. But on subsequent zooming of the page, if the mapping function is used (e.g., mouse hovers over map) before the transformation is done, then Safari uses the wrong map coordinates. This wasn't obvious to me loading the file locally, but after uploading the images to be hosted on a free (and slow) site...
--> Any idea how to get Safari to reevaluate the coordinates?
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<script type="text/javascript">
global_areas=new Array();
// This example assumes:
// 1) there is one image map in the document,
// 2) the area coords are comma delimited, and
// 3) the height has been zoomed an identical amount to the width.
function initglobal() { // save original AREA coordinate strings to a global array, called at load
var arrayAreas = document.body.getElementsByTagName("AREA");
global_width= 800; // get original width
for (var i = 0; i < arrayAreas.length; i++) {
global_areas[i] = arrayAreas[i].coords;
function scaleArea() { // using stored values, recalculate new values for the current size
var arrayAreas = document.body.getElementsByTagName("AREA");
for (var i=0;i < arrayAreas.length;i++) {
alert( "scale = " + scale);
splitarray=global_areas[i].split(","); // set numeric array
var tmparray=new Array();
for (var j = 0; j < splitarray.length; j++) {
tmparray[j]=parseInt(splitarray[j])*scale; // rescale the values
alert( "Original " + global_areas[i] + " Modified " + tmparray );
arrayAreas[i].coords=tmparray.join(","); // put the values back into a string
global_width=document.getElementById("test").width; // set new modified width
for (var i = 0; i < arrayAreas.length; i++) {
global_areas[i] = arrayAreas[i].coords;
<body onload="initglobal(); scaleArea();" >
<input type="submit" value="rescale" onclick="scaleArea();" />
<map name="maptest" id="maptest">
<area shape="circle" coords="400,600,100" href="" alt="go yellow" onmouseover="document.getElementById('test').src='yellow.gif'" onmouseout="document.getElementById('test').src=''" >
<area shape="rect" coords="0,0,400,400" href="" alt="go red" onmouseover="document.getElementById('test').src='red.gif'" onmouseout="document.getElementById('test').src=''" >
<area shape="rect" coords="400,0,800,400" href="" alt="go green" onmouseover="document.getElementById('test').src='green.gif'" onmouseout="document.getElementById('test').src=''" >
<area shape="rect" coords="0,400,800,800" href="" alt="go blue" onmouseover="document.getElementById('test').src='blue.gif'" onmouseout="document.getElementById('test').src=''" >
<img id="test" src="" alt="map test" usemap="#maptest" width="800" height="800" />