



I'm using Git-

I've cloned a SubVersion repository using:

git svn clone -s https://xxxxx:8443/svn/project/SubProjectA

The SubProjectA has the standard layout (trunk, branches, tags). SubProjectA is a copy of another project. It has only 60 revisions if it own. After the command, a folder is created with the name SubProjectA and has only remotes/trunk as the branch. Even the master branch does not exists.

I then have to run

git svn fetch

multiple times to get all revisions from the SubVersion. Every time the fetch command is ran, it fetches only one revision at a time.

I've tried:

git svn fetch -r2400:HEAD
git svn fetch -r2400:2450

without success (SubProjectA is copied at revision 2390, there are one branch of SubProjectA created at revision 2420, the latest revision is 2450).

What did I do that caused the fetch command to fetch only one revision at a time? How do I tell fetch to get all revisions?

+2  A: 

To do a full update, use

git svn rebase

You should read this article about working using svn-git.

Donny Kurnia
Git still only fetches some revisions, not all. I've just tried git svn rebase, and it fetches 3 revisions. When I run git svn rebase again, the remaining 2 revisions are fetched.
That's because you have run `git svn fetch` before doing `git svn rebase`. I suggest you start again with blank repo, and follow steps in the article I give above.
Donny Kurnia