I've searched for a free and good Date picker out there but I didn't found one that will be good for me.
I've created one on my own.
I've added a Calendar to the aspx page, and on PageLoad set it's attribute:
calReqToDate.Style.Add("display", "none");
I've created a "Show" button and set it's attribute on PageLoad too:
btnCalReqToDate.Attributes.Add("onclick", "HideShow();return false;");
Now all I have to do is to change the date label when the user selects a day. I've tries to do so by catching the "onclick" event of the calendar and getting the selected date, and the return False so the page will no post back:
In the PageLoad event:
calReqToDate.Style.Add("onclick", "DateSelect();return false;");
In the aspx page:
document.getElementById('<%= lblReqToDate.ClientID %>').innerHTML = '<%= calReqToDate.SelectedDate %>';
The problem is that the selected date does not changed without the postback, so the label gets the old date.
I need to find a way to get the new selected date without postback.
Can you help please?
Thank you in advance.