I am trying to debug a problem where HtmlHelper is null in extension methods. Oddly the debugger claims it's fully populated, however I consistently get null exceptions. I'm trying to figure out where HtmlHelper should being instantiated in an attempt to see where my problem may be.
Where should HtmlHelper be Instantiated?
Update: In particular I am trying to implement the extension found here, http://chriscavanagh.wordpress.com/2009/06/11/mvc-authorizedactionlink/, within a masterpage. The error occurs on the MVC template's HomeController.Index(). There are some 'plugins'/virtualpathing that may be causing the problem (trying to avoid this can of worms), but, code the code is essentially the same as found here: http://www.codeplex.com/unifico. However, I don't want to trouble anyone with the details of all of that.