



Hey guys, if I have an array that looks like [A,B,C,A,B,C,A,C,B] (random order), and I wish to arrange it into [A,A,A,B,B,B,C,C,C] (each group is together), and the only operations allowed are: 1)query the i-th item of the array 2)swap two items in the array.

How to design an algorithm that does the job in O(n)?


+1  A: 
Roger Pate
This is related to sorting, but not a sorting problem. He wants an O(n) algorithm to group items together in the array - the order of the groups doesn't matter.
BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
+1  A: 
Hamish Grubijan
Thanks so much!
Did you know you can use `[text](URL)`? It's curious for someone that commented encouraging tagging as homework to just give away the answer. (That last has nothing to do with you, even though I have been critical of your blatant rep-whoring lately, just my recent notice of the homework tag and how it's applied.)
Roger Pate
No P. However, beware that you are asked to work this thing in-place. So, it is a bit different I think.
Hamish Grubijan
Roger, I wrote in this forum that I am not going to get laid by my gf until I get 1000 rep. You aren't that gullible, are you. Also, about hw: I know plenty of people who took algorithms to never see that stuff again and code awesome php web pages. Trust me when I say that these guys will not need to implement their own sort ... ever.
Hamish Grubijan
And by the way, I did take an OS class but I do not remember 80% of what I studied there. I did mostly my own work. I will admit that my undergrad program was not the best.
Hamish Grubijan
I honestly don't care *why* you said you need 1k rep (and I never saw that specific comment, only, but I've seen you abusing the system (unfortunately the deleted question was the best example) and that behavior should be discouraged.
Roger Pate
I was honestly trying to help you format better answers (and thus get the rep you desperately need *without* abusing the system). I find the `[text](URL)` format easiest to type instead of using the UI buttons (and rarely use the other link formats). Edited to show example.
Roger Pate
Ah, now I understand your OS class comment. I was just talking publicly about homework tagging/commenting, as I've been paying closer attention (instead of just ignoring the debate as I did previously). See and for reference.
Roger Pate