



I'm tired of using the eye-squinting, time-consuming Exceptions dialog in Visual Studio to turn break-on-exception filters on and off. I looked for a Visual Studio command to help automate this from the Command window, but no luck.

Does anyone have a technique for avoiding the Debug->Exceptions dialog yet get access to its functionality?

+1  A: 

One of the Wintellect gurus (John Robbins) posted about customizing exception handling with macros. It provides a nice way of setting those without going into the dialog. It seems a bit slow on my machine ... although no slower than going and hunting down a specific exception in that dialog.

Mark Wilkins
This looks like it has decent potential. If the macro is too sluggish, at least I now know about, and have examples to program against, the Debugger3 interface, which is what I was ultimately looking for.